Specific Functions:

  1. Coordinate the formation and maintenance of cross-functional TA teams by ensuring that all RO divisions are represented in each TA team and each Schools Division is provided with technical assistance
  2. Consolidate and submit an annual Regional Technical Assistance Plan (RTAP) for approval by the Regional Office management team
  3. Provide support to the “cross-functional” TA teams in terms of responding to the needs of target clients
  4. Provide research based feedback
  5. Consolidate and integrate feedback and reports from technical assistance teams for policy considerations and management decisions
  6. Monitor and evaluate outputs and outcomes of TA interventions in the schools divisions towards continuous learning and process improvement.
  7. Submit quarterly and annual reports on the results of monitoring and evaluation of TA interventions with recommendations for management action.

Specific Functions of the (Cross-functional)Technical Assistance Teams

  1. Analyze regional education data and identify development needs of the schools divisions
  2. Work with the schools divisions in validating needs, providing TA action and conceptualizing and implementing the interventions needed to respond to their identified need/s
  3. Assess and evaluate results of TA actions and interventions


Statement of Purpose

The Field Technical Assistance Division (FTAD) leads, coordinates, and integrates the provision of Technical Assistance in collaboration with the Regional Field Technical Assistance Teams, the Schools Division Offices covering all areas of management, and operations based on the needs to have a better and improved School-Based Management practice that leads to increased learning outcomes and turnaround schools.

Outcomes Outcome Indicators
  • Schools Division Office provides appropriate, timely, relevant,data-driven, and contextualized technical assistance to schools and learning centers
  • Percentage of capacitated SDOs, schools, and learning centers
  • Enhanced competence of the RFTATs/DFTATs in the provision of timely, appropriate, and relevant technical assistance to the SDOs
  • Percentage of capacitated RFTAT/DFTAT members
  • SDOs sustain and improve School-Based Management (SBM)level of practice
  • Percentage of schools with improved SBM level of practice


Key Result/s Areas Objectives Outputs Output Indicators
Technical Assistance To manage and implement technical assistance (TA) mechanism, processes, and systems of  the Regional Field Technical Assistance Teams (RFTATs) and Division Field Technical Assistance Teams (DFTATs) for improved governance, operations, and curriculum management TA Operations Manual Approved and implemented TA operations manual
List of organized RFTATs/DFTATs Approved and updated list of organized RFTATs/DFTATs
Terms of Reference of the RFTATs Approved and updated Terms of Reference (TORs)
To systematize relevant needs-based and strategic TA provision to ensure effective implementation of PPAs in the SDOs Approved Technical Assistance Needs Assessment (TANA)Result Consolidated and approved Technical Assistance Needs Assessment (TANA) Result
Approved Regional Technical Assistance Plan Implemented the approved Regional TA plan
Result of the TA provided Updated/adjusted TA plan
TA Reports Number of TA reports submitted
To track and analyze the implementation of results of Technical Assistance interventions and utilization of   research based on context and priority Inventory/records of implemented Technical Assistance interventions Number of implemented Technical Assistance intervention in each Schools Division Office
Progress Monitoring Plan Updated progress monitoring plan
Progress Report Number of submitted progress report on TA provisions.
Minutes of the Coordination Meeting Approved and submitted minutes of the coordination meetings
Ensure sustainability of community of practice in collaboration with the RFTATs for continuous improvement, School – Based Management  and effective delivery of basic education services toward turnaround schools List of turnaround schools Number of schools with corresponding SBM Level of Practice
TA plans and reports on turnaround schools SBM Approved TA Plan
Number of reports on SBM
List of schools validated by the Regional Office for SBM level 3 Number of schools recognized as SBM Level 3
Approved and submitted list of validated schools for SBM Level 3
Establish library of knowledge of patented emerging practices of Schools Division Offices and Schools in resolving BLICs and closing the gaps  Library of Knowledge Number of patented emerging practices
Number of issues and gaps closed
Approved and submitted TA implementation report
Number of approved localized policies and standards were disseminated and adopted
Operationalize the patented emerging practices in collaboration with the RFTATs and DFTATs in addressing issues and concerns in the delivery of basic education services Organizational knowledge  of emerging practices and interventions. Number of organizational knowledge of emerging practices and interventions have been operationalized
To ensure that the requirements for updating, maintaining, and retaining documented information are established and implemented  Operations Manual Updated Operations Manual
Knowledge Management System Approved and updated KMS
To categorize the Bottlenecks, Lags,Issues, and Concerns (BLICs)aligned on the principles of School-Based Management and provide appropriate research-based interventions List of categorized BLICs on Access, Quality and Governance Number of BLICs resolved by the clients with the RFTATs
Research-based interventions in resolving BLICs No. of research-based interventions implemented.
To oversee activities related to managing organizational knowledge and setting document management standards in the Regional Office (QMS) Standard operating procedures on Knowledge Management(QMS) Approved SOP for Knowledge Management (QMS)
To benchmark SBM best practices of schools/SDOs/Region
 to continuously improved services and processes
Compendium of SBM Best practices Compendium of best practices adopted from benchmark areas
List of Improved services and processes Number of services and processes improved
Office Administration and Performance Management To establish and maintain systems and processes geared towards administrative effectiveness and efficiency Operations Manual and/or Citizens Charter
Document Tracking System

Streamlined Processes/Services and Procedures as declared in the Operations Manual and Citizen Charter

Operational document tracking system

To promote a culture of excellence, innovation, and collaboration Administrative and Financial Reports Number of pertinent forms and documents accomplished and submitted on time (e.g., WFP,PPMP, APP)
List of employees given rewards and recognition
Citizen/Client Satisfaction Survey (CCSS) Results and Analysis
Report on Actions taken relative to the CCSS results (if there’s any)
Number of recognition initiatives conducted
CCSS rating received
Number of satisfied clients/customers based on feedback received
To conduct periodic monitoring and evaluation of office/staff performance for the provision of relevant learning and development programs IPCRF/OPCRF Accomplishments
Capacitated staff
Training Completion/Terminal Reports
Percentage of achievement of IPCRF/OPCRF
Number of personnel who attended learning and development programs
Reports on performance coaching Number of performance coaching activity conducted
Number of Performance review conducted